
Everyone Belongs

Visit this website to explore a range of teaching opportunities for Harmony Day….LINK: Primary school (

Step Inside

This thinking routine from Harvard’s Project Zero centres on 3 key questions:

  1. What can the person perceive?
  2. What might the person know about or believe?
  3. What might the person care about?

Below is an example of stepping inside thoughts of a woman. Of course there are many possible answers to the 3 key questions. Your perception of what the person cares about will be influenced by the response to question 1. However, it is the process of learning to view life from different perspectives that the routine is developing.

What would this routine look like for Crumbs?

  1. What might the girl perceive?
  2. What might the girl know about or believe?
  3. What might the girl care about?

Learn more about the routine at Step Inside | Project Zero (