Showcasing our ANZAC Spirit with Movie maker & MS Paint

Why do we keep celebrating ANZAC Day?

This question was presented to Year 1 as part of their Library program and supports the Stage 1 HSIE outcome:

  • CUS1.4 Describes the cultural, linguistic and religious practices of their family, their community and other communities.

As a response task at the end of the unit students were asked to draw (using paper and crayon or online using MS Paint) a symbol to commemorate ANZAC Day 2015. The images were collated and imported into Movie Maker. Students were asked to give a verbal explanation of their artwork, which was added as text to the clip.

The importance of copyright was explained to the students and we contacted John Williamson to ask for permission to use his song “Diggers of the ANZAC”  as the backing track. Permission was granted. The finished clip was uploaded to YouTube and shared with the school community. The Australian War Memorial were also emailed a link to the clip, providing a broader audience for our students. This was a simple task with an emotive and powerful outcome. The responses given by students formed part of their assessment. Offering students an opportunity to share their knowledge verbally is important for differentiation.


NSW English curriculum link targeted in this activity: 
Outcome – EN1-2A
Content – Experiment with publishing using different modes and media to enhance planned presentations.

Full unit available in my 2015 OneNote Program – See Year 1 Term 1

Skill Focus

Library Learning Path:

Connect and Wonder – contribute to group mindmaps and discussion boards. Questions posed used throughout unit

Create and Share – memorial image and explanation

21 CLD Dimensions:

Knowledge Construction – using knowledge and learning experiences to gain a personal understanding of the importance of memorials.

ISTE – Student Standard 1

Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

(a) apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products and processes