I have been using this text with Year 6 to explore refugees. Coral Vass’ use of shoes to bring students to an understanding of the challenges faced by refugees is clever and engaging.
They were fearful shoes, racing shoes, chasing shoes, escaping shoes.
Listen to Kerry and myself chat about this book…
Peel the Fruit
We often want to develop learners’ understanding of a complex topic over days or weeks. Peel the Fruit is not actually a routine but a way of planning and tracking over time the exploration of a topic.
Key Questions to consider include:
Outside skin What do you see, observe of notice? |
Under the skin What questions or puzzles do you have? |
Building explanations What is this really about? |
Make a connection How does this story fit with your life? |
Different Viewpoints How could we see this from another perspective? |
Capturing the heart What is the central idea or message? |

The graphic above was created by Thinking Pathways. Visit their site to see Peel the Fruit in action (Peel The Fruit – THINKING PATHWAYS)