You know when you open a book by Bob Graham that it will be something wonderful and that is exactly what Concrete Garden is…simply wonderful. It was a joy to share with my students.
How can we capture our garden?
My Year 1 children delighted in creating their garden and we chatted about how to capture the memory of it. We created a mindmap of ideas and decided on taking a photo…just like the mum in the story. Pop your photos into Book Creator ( and use the ‘record’ feature to share the thinking behind their creation.

How do people connect?
Take time to explore how people in our community connect….like One Song Sing and Landcare

With older grades you could survey the school community and explore ways we could ‘build community’ within our school?
We have decided to introduce a Year 6 ‘Book Club’ during lunchtime in the Library. Other ideas?
Meet Bob Graham

Allow time for children to dive into a range of Bob Graham’s books. Carefully observe his illustrations – are there similarities across titles? Can you identify the parts of a narrative within each story (setting, complication, resolution).
Can you expand on the characters?

Compass Points Thinking Routine:
N – What might Nasrin Notice in the courtyard below?
S – What information might she Share with her family overseas?
E – What might Excite her the most about the day?
W – What Worries might she have?