Choose Your Own Adventure

I am a teacher librarian and I had never read a Choose Your Own Adventure book until this year. Call me lazy but I wanted the author to direct the story and decide on the ending. However, inspired by the work of Wilj Dekkers (MIE Expert NZ) I decided to share one with my Year 4 students.

One chapter of The Abominable Snowman by R A Montgomery and the students and I were hooked. My intention was for the students to read the book and recreate the setting as a  Minecraft world. However the students decided that they wanted to write their own adventure.

The students worked in pairs and wrote the story in a grade OneNote book. Each pair had their own section. Some students will record one complete story path as Wilj demonstrated  in the clip below. Other students decided they will film short clips relevant for each OneNote page in their story and load it onto the page. The students used Office Mix and Bandicam to capture Minecraft action ( ).

We are using Minecraft Education Edition –

Licences are available at Windows Store for Business   –

Choose Your Own Adventure  Official Site –