Creating a Learning Program

A syllabus provides teaching outcomes however the opportunities students are given to reach those outcomes will most often be determined by the classroom teacher. Advances in technology have provided teachers with a myriad of opportunities for enriching learning and engaging learners. For some educators this is exciting, for others, it can often be overwhelming. As with all good planning:

  •  take your time
  •  have a clear purpose/intention
  •  refer to relevant guides and checklists
Writing your Program

1. Clearly identify your learning intention.

2. Consider what your students would need to demonstrate to you to show that they have met the learning intention. This will be your success criteria.

For older students (Yr3 and older) you may wish to write the success criteria with them.

3. Planning


What are the abilities of the students? Are there special needs to keep in mind as you plan?

What capabilities would you like to target in this learning activity? (Refer to 21st Century Learning Design, your school scope & sequence etc)

Will technology enrich the learning activity?

Is there a program you have seen or heard about that you would like to use and seems appropriate for this learning activity? Do you require training? How will you achieve this?

Would you like to use technology but are unsure of the best option? Consult your colleagues or Learning Technology coordinator – ask the students for their ideas.

You might like to consider creating the learning sequence around a guided inquiry model. I use the Library Learning Path. (See separate post – Library)

Don’t lose sight of your learning intention – it is easy to become distracted.